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Lilia, Williamsburg, NYC


Lilia is a hot newish Italian restaurant that happens to be in Williamsburg. I say “happens to be” because Lilia is not your typical North Brooklyn dining establishment. Yes it’s located in a hipster-sounding former auto body shop, but it has the bright, polished design of somewhere straight out of […]

best brunch upper west side nyc australian

Burke & Wills

   Dining on the Upper West Side can be a lot like visiting your parents. It’s a nice in a peaceful sort of way, but not the most exciting weekend getaway. When they take you to the “hip new place,” it generally looks like (or is) something that opened downtown years ago. […]

Beast Feast DBGB NY

Whole Hog Feast at DBGB

I was recently invited by the folks at Tabelog to a Whole Hog dinner at DBGB NY. If you’re not familiar, Tabelog is essentially the “Yelp of Japan” but in the US they have curated a much more knowledgeable foodie community than what you’ll find at their competitor. It’s always […]

Flaming Kitchen

Chinese food comes in many varieties in New York but to me there clear top 2 are Dim Sum and Sichuan. Finding a place that can nail the Central Chinese province’s cooking and the Cantonese brunch food however is like looking for a restaurant that does great pulled pork and […]

best vegan ice cream new york nyc

Best Ice Cream in NYC

With summer winding down, I’ve been getting a lot of requests from people looking to get in their last few frosty licks. Personally I don’t eat a lot of ice cream due to a combination of lactose intolerance and a preference to fill up on the savories. But the places […]